Journey to Self Love
This is your year to sparkle!
Journaling has long been a form of meditation for me. I love getting into a peaceful state and allowing messages from my higher self to pour forth in writing. This form of meditation whisks me out of drama in my life and gives me fresh perspective and peaceful solutions. Time after time it has taken me from immobility and indecision to vital empowerment, and changed my course of action. I have learned to trust this higher guidance that flows through me and deeply balances my life.
While reviewing my journals one rainy afternoon, I fully realized I’d been on a journey to self love. And I decided that many of these writings could help others love themselves more, as well. I was inspired to take twenty of my best journal entries, or what I call “gems’ and create a succinct but powerful book of meditations and affirmations accompanied by soothing audio meditation.
Sharing with you here are shortened versions of each Gem. May they bring you hope, acceptance, joy and most importantly, home to self-love.
- Decide your own truth. If the belief you are adhering to does not bring joy, peace, harmony & love, put it aside and choose another.
- Have a playful spirit; even in your daily responsibilities. Not only will you feel better but so will those around you.
- Be at peace. Surrender to your higher power; take action as divinely guided, and know all is working towards the best.
- Let go of perfection. Freely express without the fear of imperfection. Perfection is the killer of joy.
- Forgive yourself and others which creates the flow of Love your heart so deeply desires.
- Be hopeful. Visualize and feel the change you wish to experience. Hold steadfast to this new vision. Know that the change you desire is on its way.
- Strive for balance in mind, body and spirit. Think positive thoughts, move, nourish, and rest your body and find the spiritual practice that is right for you.
- Focus on harmonious feelings and let go of discord. You are one with all there is; never separate or alone.
- Ask for divine protection when fear has overcome you. Your angels are at your service at any moment’s notice.
- Express your anger in loving ways that are not harmful to yourself and others.
- See humor in yourself and situations. Laugh out loud several times daily; keeping a light heart.
- Embrace your sensuality. Put aside all inhibitions. You’re a beautiful, sensual being! Freely express all aspects of yourself in perfect balance.
- Have a grateful heart for what is and be open to receive the blessings God so desires to give you.
- Discard judgments of yourself and others. Spirit is not judging you; only encouraging your growth and expansion.
- Step out of the pressure cooker! Do you best each day and know it is enough.
- Replace the “Yes but…” with “I will…” The only limitation you have are the ones self-imposed.
- Practice self-acceptance. Without self-acceptance there is no self-love. Without self-love it is impossible to give and accept love from others.
- Be gentle with yourself. When you are gentle and nurturing to yourself then you have feelings of worthiness. You are worthy!
- Quiet the mind chatter and connect with your heart-your true essence-your soul. This is a powerful way to stay centered in the truth as to who you truly are – a magnificent divine being.
- Embrace your authentic power. You’re a powerful being; a creator of your life with the Source of All There Is.
Happy 2022… sparkle on!
Copyright, Denna J. Shelton, 2022
For more insight or wisdom from each Gem listed above:

TwentyGems, Soul’s Journey to Self Love eBook is chock full of wisdom (twenty gems), beautiful nature scenery, positive affirmations and 20 audio meditations accompanied by relaxing music placing you smack-center into your true essence, your immeasurable worth.
Remote Reiki
Now offering Remote Reiki on your lunch hour or any time of the day to rejuvenate and restore! You choose: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or an hour! How does it work? Find out here!
To find out prices or schedule an appointment, Contact me here!
“Reiki with Denna is a powerful tool for the body and spirit. I haven’t been this relaxed in years, and I find myself smiling for no particular reason. ….My experience with her healing work is so profound that I keep telling other people to try it!” Tracy A., Western
Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Do you belong to an organization in need of a fun and different program or guest speaker? I provide just that and am happy to present a 20-30 minute program on Hypnosis, the Power of Your Subconscious Mind for your organization. People love it – informative and lots of fun! Contact me for more info and scheduling at [email protected].
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