
Soft and Supple Approach to Life

Is there strength in what appears to be weakness? Could a soft and supple approach to life be as strong as or even stronger than an ironclad one? Would the to-do list get done with greater ease in softness? Yes, yes, and yes!

We are living in times where the “survival of the fittest,” Darwin’s theory, is no longer valid on any level. Science has proven what the sages, mystics, masters, great teachers of all times knew to be true: everyone and everything is connected. We are not separate. We are one. Yet, the ever-present voice of the ego tells us to survive we must compete and conquer. “It’s all about me” and “The best man wins!” But looking at the extreme states of our times maybe this type of hard thinking isn’t working so well. Maybe it’s time to look at a softer way of doing things. What is the softer approach, why take it, and how?

Love is the Soft and Supple Approach

The very essence of who we truly are knows nothing of compete, conquer and win! It is human conditioning, labels and masks we wear that camouflages our true nature which only knows harmony, peace, joy and love. “….and the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13. God is Love and we were “created in his image,” Genesis 1:27. We came from Love and it is what we truly are.  “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails.” Corinthians 13:4-8. Love is the softer approach.

As beautiful and true as the above verse is, you must be careful not to get wrapped in the ideology of love. It could become another concept in your mind and one more label or mask to wear, “The Love Mask,” in attempt to be or do good.

a soft and supple approach

A Return to the Heart is Where True Magic Begins

I love the Rumi quote, “Silence is the language of the Gods. Everything else is poor translation.” You must leave your head and enter your heart in silence. A return to your heart is where the true magic begins! We experience a love that is beyond words in the stillness. “Be still and know I am God.” Psalms 46:10. In the stillness you know God, you know love and yourself as the love described in Corinthians 13:4-8.

Love is beyond conceptual. It is experiential, a realization. When Love like this is experienced, all changes. There’s no going back. Surrendering to this loving force occurs naturally and service to others becomes the cornerstone of your life. Not because it is the right thing to do, but because you are more than willing to do so. You know that in service to others you are ultimately serving the Divine, yourself and the whole. Oneness is understood.

The Soft and Supple Approach is Not Weak

The soft approach is not weak. Quite contrary! Engulfed in love’s sweet embrace and deeply rooted in the heart makes you fearless. You trust the gentle voice in the stillness that guides and directs you in truth. In this guidance, you rest assured that all your needs are met. You live life then in awe and wonderment rather than control and conquest which go against the very grain of who you truly are.  The way of the heart is soft. Yet its strength reminds me of the qualities of silk. “Silk’s qualities are lustrous, reflect light, translucency giving depth to the reflection. Their colors take on a bright sparkle and it provides warm without weight. Its fibers are finer than human hair yet as strong as iron wire of the same diameter.“ -Wikipedia. We, too, in love are soft, strong, reflect light, translucent and sparkle!

There is strength in softness. In this, the smallest of experiences become pure delight.  You let go of rigid ideas and outcomes and create with greater ease. Synchronicity is common, pieces of the puzzle easily fall into place, and the joy of simply being returns.

Sparkle on!

Remote Reiki

Now offering Remote Reiki on your lunch hour or any time of the day to rejuvenate and restore! You choose: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or an hour! How does it work? Find out here! To find out prices or schedule an appointment, Contact me here!  “Reiki with Denna is a powerful tool for the body and spirit. I haven’t been this relaxed in years, and I find myself smiling for no particular reason. ….My experience with her healing work is so profound that I keep telling other people to try it!” Tracy A., Western

Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Do you belong to an organization in need of a fun and different program or guest speaker? I provide just that and am happy to present a 20-30 minute program on Hypnosis, the Power of Your Subconscious Mind for your organization. People love it – informative and lots of fun! Contact me for more info and scheduling at [email protected].

Audio-Visual Meditations

With more than 30 years of experience in this field, I have used my knowledge to produce audio-visual meditations that you can use for self-reflection, personal enrichment and empowerment. I also created an e-book with a variety of themes that you can highlight during your