Reiki for Balance & Self-healing
Are you frustrated with feeling stressed, exhausted or strung out? Perhaps feeling you are barely able to cope with life challenges? Is your recovery from an illness or surgery happening at a snail’s pace? Are you functioning in fight/flight on a daily basis? If so, it’s time for Reiki for balance and self-healing.
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction that promotes relaxation, balance and self healing. The word Reiki is made of two Japenese words – Rei which means God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power and Ki which is life force energy. The trained Reiki practitioner then, such as myself, is a conduit of Reiki.
A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit; creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well-being.

Reiki for Balance & Self-Healing
When Reiki is administered, there is an overall response as your body shifts to a parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) response. This balances your whole system. When your body is balanced, your own self-healing ability is at its ultimate best.
When the PNS is dominant, the body is in rest-and-digest mode. This means its priority is to recover, to heal, to deeply nourish and restore itself. The body knows well how to do these things, but our busy lifestyle tends to keep us in a reactive sympathetic nervous system (SNS) mode, where the body’s priority is just to get through the day, coping (fight or flight), not healing. That can reek havoc on the body promoting disease and pre-maturing aging.
Our bodies simply cannot cope and heal at the same time. It’s fight/flight or rest/digest, not both at the same time.
Ready to relax, restore, and recharge? More peace of mind and overall sense of well-being is just a click away. Contact me here to schedule an in person or remote session. Click here for more info on Remote Reiki.