Reiki and Hypnosis for More Joy and Peace

A grass filed with lake on the side and forest at the background

What is Reiki and hypnosis, and why combine the two? The two working together achieve more! Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing administered by “laying on hands” – based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to…

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The Subconscious & Superconscious Marriage

We must unlearn what we have learned yoda

If ever I’ve known a “kindred spirit,” it has to be Florence Scovel Shinn, the American author, artist and New Thought spiritual teacher, 1870-1940. She is best known for her first book, The Game of Life and How to Play It. She was indeed very spiritual and quotes several Bible scriptures throughout her book supporting…

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Journey to Self Love

A book cover with a person standing on top of a hill.

This is your year to sparkle! Journaling has long been a form of meditation for me. I love getting into a peaceful state and allowing messages from my higher self to pour forth in writing. This form of meditation whisks me out of drama in my life and gives me fresh perspective and peaceful solutions. Time…

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You Must Unlearn What You Have Learned

A crystal clear sea water shined by the sun

In life’s school, unfortunately, we can be misinformed or have experiences that leave us conflicted and confused creating negative thoughts and suffering.  We may have been taught ideologies and concepts that dis-empowered and robbed us of our joy.  This is when unlearning helps and heals.  As Yoda from Star Wars states, “You must unlearn what you have learned.”…

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The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

A picture of a person 's head with lines drawn all over it.

During the holidays, there are internal and external pressures creating a lot of emotions and feelings, which for a lot of us are anything but “Merry.” For many it’s the fear of gaining unwanted pounds. Others dread family members that push their buttons. Adding more to our to-do list is daunting to say the least.…

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Soft and Supple Approach to Life

a soft and supple approach

Is there strength in what appears to be weakness? Could a soft and supple approach to life be as strong as or even stronger than an ironclad one? Would the to-do list get done with greater ease in softness? Yes, yes, and yes! We are living in times where the “survival of the fittest,” Darwin’s theory, is no…

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